Thursday, July 30, 2015

legionnaire's disease spreads in south Bronx.

Legionnaires disease was first discovered in the 1970's, its basically a bacteria lung infection spread threw water droplets. common contaminated water sources are hot tubs, air conditioners, large plumbing systems, and public pools.

humans are disgusting.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

how to clean a couch

there are 3 ways of doing things . the right way . the wrong way . and my way , which is basically the wrong way X6 .

step 1 . lay on the couch and think about bad it smells .

step 2. a week later lay on the couch and think about how bad it smells .

step 3 . remove the cushion covers .

step 4. throw them in the washing machine with soap .

step 5 . put the washer on the highest water temperature .

step 6. put the covers in the dryer at the highest temperature .

step 7 . get distracted , and forget about the dryer .

step 8 . the covers are dry , and realize that they shrank and are now too small for the couch .

step 9 . go to sleep and deal with it in the morning .

step 10 . fold the cushions in half and use my feet to kick them into the covers .

step 11. accidentally break the zippers . but the cushions are in there , so thats good .

step 12 . get out my sewing stuff and hand stitch the zippers shut .

step 13 . step back and admire a clean , lumpy couch .

step 14 . realize i accidentally lost my scissors in the cushion i just sewed shut .

step 15 . dont tell anyone about the scissors .

hearing loss?

ever what it is like to live with hearing loss? this youtube video shows a very simple and small sample of what it is like. the second video is me.. a couple years ago i decided to teach myself to play the banjo, using youtube viedos. i have hearing loss and the memory of a goldfish, so i try really really hard and get nowhere..

i feel like sisyphus.. except the boulder is a giant ass, and i am pushing it up a mountain with my hands tied behind my back.

a video of sorts

Friday, May 29, 2015

Dear Morbidly Obese Lady, with the iowa license plate 041-zey.. i just wanted to tell you a few things. 1) i watched as you threw condom after condom after condom.. out of your car window while driving downtown today.2) thats disgusting.. 3) you are a disgusting person. 4) littering is Not cool.